Power, Gas and Water utilities it's time to transform your GRID
In an everchanging environment, controlling the risks and taking advantage of new oportunities is a challenge. Let us accompany you through these big challenges and together we ll transform your business.
Decarbonization, Digitization and Decentralization (D³) is a long and complex process for all companies no matter their size. To successfully achieve these goals, expertise in Operation and Information Technologies, Finance and Cybersecurity is a must.
We are a team of professionals with over 20 years of experience in the sector, and we are ready to bring focus to your grid, make it smarter and improve your business.
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The convergence of data and power grids is a reality happening right now, and you need the right set of skills to properly design, plan and implement a solid smartgrid solution, that not only covers all existing areas of your power grid, but that it is also ready for the challenges ahead. We are ready to help you bringing your grid to the next level.
The grids are experiencing a big technological change, but the challenges are not only technological, you need efficient management of a multidisciplinary project, sound financial advise, and solid legal coverage.
Yes, we offer tailored services that besides all technology aspects, include management, financial and legal advise, working together with your financial and legal teams if necessary.
As the world becomes decarbonized, all energy utilities face a technological challenge as they adopt the necessary measures to transform their grids as the power generation becomes distributed, digitizing the grid to properly operate it remotely, while at the same time collecting all possible data to build the information infrastructure to make better decisions.
Companies advance differently on different fronts, on average, they are at these levels:
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Protect your industry at all levels from malicious activity, foreign or domestic.
Seemlessly converge your data and energy grids unifying next generation SCADA, smartmetering legacy devices and integrate them to the cloud.